Adjusting your settings can greatly increase gameplay performance!
- Master Volume: Controls the main volume of the game.
- Music Volume: Controls the music volume of the game.
- Button Sounds: If enabled, pressing a button creates a sound.
- Missile Lock: If locked by a missile, it creates a sound.
- Target Frame Rate: The game will run on a specified frame rate.
- Graphics Quality: The game will run on a specified graphics quality.
- Space Fog: If enabled, space fogs will appear.
- Cloaked Ship Outlines: If enabled, cloaked ships will have outlines.
- Lighting FX: If enabled, lighting effects will appear.
- Wormhole Animations: If enabled, entering wormholes will have animations.
User Interface[]
- Buttons Size: Adjusts button size.
- Camera Rotate Sensitivity: Adjusts camera sensitivity.
- Show Point Defence Turrets: If enabled, shows point defence turrets.
- Auto-hide Shield and Hull: If enabled, auto-hides shield and hull if not interacted.
- Shield Display type: If "Screen" is selected, displays shield on the screen. If "Around Ship" is selected, displays shield around the ship.
- Key Bindings: Adjusts keyboard key bindings (PC)
- Ship Tilt Control: enables tilt control.
- When Docking: Auto saves when after docking to a station or ship.
- Wormhole Exit: Auto saves after exiting a wormhole.
- After Time: Auto saves in a certain amount of time.
- Auto-close HUD Menu: If enabled, auto-closes HUD menu.
- Prefer Camera Lock: If enabled, prefers lock on camera.
- Auto-target Hostiles: If enabled, auto locks a hostile when detected.
- Prefer Respawn on Death: If enabled, respawns immediately after death.
- Receive Distress Calls: If enabled, players can receive distress calls.
- Allow Fire at Allied Targets: If enabled, allows player to fire at allied targets.
- Allow Fire at Neutral Targets: If enabled, allows player to fire at neutral targets
- Camera Shake on Shield Hit: If enabled, camera shakes when shield is hit.
- Camera Shake of Hull Hit: If enabled, camera shakes when hull is hit.
- Combat Difficulty: A slider that adjusts combat difficulty.